Water pumping stations are used to transport water from one site to another. These devices can supply water to canals, circulate water in treatment systems and can even drain water from low lying land.
Water Pump Stations Used in Land Alterations
Water pumps are usually only considered when drainage by simple gravity is not possible. Water pumping stations are rarely used to remove water from elevated sites, as it is much easier in many cases to simply dig a canal and let the water flow downhill naturally to the desired collection area. On the other hand, it’s very common to have water pumping stations taking water to an elevated site. For residents that live on hillsides, the water that they use in their homes has to travel uphill and in this case water pumping stations are essential.
How Do They Work?
The pumping station must provide enough pressure to overcome the force of the gravity on the water. When this pressure level is met, there will be enough pressure to move liquid at the flow rate that is needed. An electronic controller is used to input the needed information. The equation is calculated by taking into account the pipes (their dimensions), additional fittings, changes in elevation and any other parts that might have an effect on the pressure of the water system. It’s important to look at the pipe entrance dimensions, any directional changes in the piping (45 and 90-degree bends), different types of valves as well as the dimensions of any outlets along the system must all be taken into account when calculating the pressure needed to overcome the system pressure and get the water moving. With water, it’s critical to check the roughness factor as well as the friction that the liquid exerts on the piping. Liquids such as water will have very little friction.
Risk Mitigation
In sewerage systems without sufficient pumping, stagnant water builds up and can be responsible for carrying bacteria and diseases. In a situation like this, toxic gasses such as hydrogen sulphide can build up, which presents a major risk to the population if it is inhaled. Sufficient pumping makes sure the raw sewerage is moving at a constant rate.
Power Sources
All water pumps require some sort of power. Even today, water pumps tend to use power, so a reliable power source is needed for their operation. You might need to obtain a permit to use a water pump as they may need to have their own separate electricity supply. Industrial water pumping stations are usually plugged into the power grid but may have their own power solutions as well so that they can keep operating in case of an emergency
Learn more about Lift Stations and Pumping Stations here.
The Best Sump Pump Float Switches
Waterline Controls™ has a series of robust, accurate sump pump switches and controllers to meet the needs of any application you have — we can even build custom vertical float switches if that’s what you need. Our designs offer 99% reliability over a 15-year life cycle with minimal maintenance and easy installation.